Heart says ‘I am lonely...’

My mind plays games with my heart,

Makes me feel like a flinging dart.

And my heart says,

I am lonely

I am lonely.

Mind makes me pensive over a crony pompous,

The heart feels uncertain of self-genius,

And says,

I am so lonely

I am lonely.

A strong thought grasps my mind,

A bold emotion grips my inside,

The heart says,

I am lonely

Oh how lonely!

My mind lets me think of nothing otherwise,

Expends my days and weeks unwise,

But, yet again my heart says,

I am lonely,

I am lonely.

I don’t know whether to listen to it,

I don’t know whether to follow its path

My mind is a perplexing boulevard to fantasy

Attractive, Tempting, Influensive, Courageous,

Still I have a heart that says,

I am lonely

I am lonely.


  1. Feels like someone has written down my thoughts! The brain pushes you to attain your goals, whereas the heart wants you to pamper it.. Real dilemma which one to listen to! Maybe one every turn ;D
    Again, awesome one!

  2. OMG!!! A side of deepti tagare rhat i knew existed, but wz not conversant with!!! Nicely written, n all d emotions coming out perfectly in d right amount!!!

  3. always listen to heart and follow the path it shows you may not reach the height others reach BUT you will be MOST HAPPIEST of them all.

  4. :-) @Manasi : You got it bang on!
    :-) @Neha : You have never seen that side of me... Or may be you've just caught a glimpse of it.
    :-) @Chai : Well said. Well said!

  5. Hey, very nicely written..
    Its so so so so true.. We face this situation daily...everywhere..:-)
    But just can't help it right..just keep going on..
    And you wrote it so perfectly..

  6. :) you finally posted this one...
    Well written...

  7. awesome....its the ultimate one....

  8. Thankyou All!!! you all are the real encouragement! I look forward to comments on every post...


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