People Differ

All people have three characters, that which they exhibit, that which they have and that which they think they have.    –Alphonse Karr

           We generally live in an illusion, a very beautifully decorated image of ourselves that provides us with an extraordinary self confidence. It is very accurately pointed out by Alphonse Karr that what we are is far apart from what we think we are and what we exhibit. The more diverse the characters are, the more complicated the life is for that person. That exactly is the reason why so many of us (or rather all of us) are different people in different surroundings.  Just give it a thought. Haven’t you ever been called the most naughty person in one place while very ironically the well-mannered gentleman/lady at some other? Also you behave differently to different people. There is no common code of conduct that is maintained with every person we meet. A corollary to this is that our perception of every person around us is different. A person who is sweet and helpful to others may seem interfering and pokey to you and vice versa. What creates these distinct characters in us? No, it is definitely not the multiple personality disorder!  It is, I believe, purely the game of our low lying conscience that keeps us assured that what we think we are is what we are ostensibly perceived as. That hardly solves the problem. Or should I say it complicates it even more. What are we then? Which one of the characters can we vouch for? Which is the one that will always live inside us come what may? Or is there no such rock solid untainted personality in us? Well, the answer to this according to me is as follows:
                A person is effectively a combination of all these characters barring the side which is merely exhibited for the sake of enhancement of one’s delusion and appending it with that part of you which you deliberately conceal for the same delusion. Whatever be the delusion, one must never forget what lies beneath it and must always fuse into one’s real self at every chance one can seize. That will keep you close to your goals and lead you on the right path lifelong. On a lighter note, it is fun to come across an assorted plate of characters at every stage of your life and understand them thoroughly before you part along your paths of success. A tickling thought follows...

                                                    People differ!

There are some of those,
With a high held nose
Always eager to praise themselves
As if born with haloes!!

Then there are some,
Who are filled with skills mum
But rarely disclose their crafts,
To think that they were dumb!!

Followed by these funniest creatures,
Who are really blessed by nature,
And have learnt to praise themselves
With so many animated features!!

The poorest things on earth,
Think they are not of any worth,
They fail to try their hand at anything,
Nor do they brag for mirth.

So many people to mingle,
So many types to handle
This is what makes the world beautiful,
And this is what makes it ramble!


  1. Life is SIMPLE, people are SIMPLE ........
    Don't try complicate it..

    everyone knows their characters...ugich apla kahihi lihu nakos

    this is my view, yours may differ.....

  2. @chai: arre, atleast appreciate her deep thinking..balach kahi kay comment deu nakko..
    @deepti: nice one again.. keep up the work..and continue writing, so that i enjoy reading.. ;-)

  3. chuklo me sorry.... deepti kay lihlay wah ek no bharich, what deeeeep thinking couldn't have even thought of, best ahe.

  4. @Sarika: Thanks! :-) For standing up for me and for encouraging.
    @Chai: If you know what you are mag jinkla ahes. Good! But many people are different in different situations. everyone may have different views as you said. No harm done. Cheers!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. In my opinion, the writeup does behold a significant point for most in a typical sample of the general homo-sapien population. Wiser men though, I have come to believe, know what they are and know exactly what to exhibit (intentionally). Their vividly varied outwards selves are not due to the cognitive phenomenon in an associated relation to a byproduct of some subconscious dilemma, but are very much proactively self-specified and acted upon, I think.
    Like some one once said : "Don't judge an intelligent person by what you have seen in him... For what you have seen in him is only that which he has chosen to show you."

    The poem is cool, although not the best I've read from your quill.

    Best Wishes,
    Sagar :-)

  7. :) well written... I think the reason why we are different in different situations is adaptation... like we adapt to habitats, we adapt to human natures..

  8. @Sagar: What you say about intentional outward projections of a certain person may be true for some people agreed but not all. I rather feel what amruta says is right. @ Tai: yes it is an adaptation to human natures.

  9. I agree with amruta. Very nicely written deepti... And for those who consider language as a tool of communication, kindly use it such that u can communicate ur thoughts and views to us language illiterates... We cannot comprehend the use of the extremely flowery and vocabulary rich comments!!!

  10. Another nice post Deepti! And I totally agree with Amruta on her views about adapting to different human natures. And of course, with Neha too :D

  11. @neha: :-) You could take it a little easy next time.

  12. @deepti: this article is really thought prvoking..just think about people around you, and the way we react to different persons in different groups.. personality as such seems to be nonexistent..
    @chai: sorry..its wasn't about your views..

  13. Good one. You have talked about both the things. What one thinks about oneself and what one thinks people think about one. Also how society influences an individual's behaviour and finally what one choses to think about self identity is based on what makes things work (A practical solution). That's basic human nature. Really interesting subject. Too many ideas in this article.

  14. @Sarika: thanks. I din't think it would come out so well. :-) You have said exactly what i wanted to convey.
    @Vikrant: Thanks a lot!

  15. @sarika,deepti: i was not presenting my views, i just wanted to say that may be my views are such, that's why i didn't like it. There's nothing wrong with deepti's writing ,may be i am wrong. i think i used a little harsh language , sorry for that...

  16. I've often pondered about this myself, how I'm different with different people. Makes me wonder if I change according to the world outside me. Is that a good thing or bad? I really loved your poem. I couldn't have put it as eloquently as you :)

  17. Hi, Thanks! And changing for the world is definitely not bad. Its just... Human :-)


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