The First ONE

This number ‘one’ does not leave you untill you grow old enough to
 understand the meaning of ‘one’ you’ll see how….

As soon as you are born,
You are the first baby of your parents
There comes the first ‘one’,
And now the list is endless…
Your first smile is so precious!
Oh!!, I forgot the first cry, that is so important!!
Your first grip onto your mother’s finger
You steal her heart that instant!

Your first expression is so awited for. 
Your first crawl makes you so happy,
Your first walk is then just around the corner!!
Your first word does not come before your first BIRTHDAY,
But it is your first party!!!
And you don’t mind at all
With so much else to enjoy!!
Wish you a very happy FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

-written for the first birthday of my nephew Adwait.


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