The Expression Elaborated!!!

Well! I am back after a long exam break! And trust me it has been back breaking! I will say more about how exams can be back breaking in the upcoming blogs but for now, the reference for the last posted poem (Thankyou) is due. During exams I gave a lot of thought to how I had come up with this poem. Finally i could recall the complete link of events...
           School Days: Nasik: I was an extraordinarily silent person. Highly under-confident.Never looked in the eye while talking to anyone.There was a kind of self doubt in me all the time. Hardly shared anything with anyone. An under-confident introvert you could say! This nature of mine drew me into books and i started attempting to write what i felt. I din't share my work with anyone either. I think i was the embodiment of 'introvert'.
           Then after school I came to Pune. This city transformed me. The warmth and love of people was overwhelming. It helped me come out of the nutshell. Just to give a small account of why i feel so:
            I stayed  with my grandparents in those days. I did not have any vehicle to commute. I used to walk to class. Although it was not very far from home i never liked to walk. And just about 15 days after my routine was set, fortunately or unfortunately i broke my leg! :-) Well that was like a relief from walking and one of my classmates promptly volunteered 'I'll pick you up and drop you home until your leg patches up.' So then no walking for a month or so atleast! On reading this you would feel that any friend would offer lift, whether broken leg or not. But you must notice that i had just started with 11th in Pune. So we all were new to each other and me being an introvert, we had not become 'friends' yet. So then everyday she picked me up and dropped me back home. My leg healed quickly and within 20 days i was walking again. I din't want to walk to class again. But I din't want to trouble her anymore because my house was not on her way to class and she had to take a long route to pick me up. Reluctantly i told her one day ' Hey thanks a lot for giving me a lift for so many days. Doctor has allowed me to walk now so i can come on my own.You don't need to pick me up.' She looked at me for a few seconds and then said ' Hey you might have healed your leg and may not need my lift but i need company on my way to class and whether you like it or not i am coming to pick you up!'
       The gesture touched my heart. It may seem very superficial to read but what i felt that time is what i will treasure for life. It may be because i never had such a friend before and probably will never have one. This is just one of the many events and incidents that took place here with friends, professors, elders and everyone around me that changed my attitude towards people and life. And that is when i felt grateful towards life, towards so many things that contributed to my development as a person.And from there emerged the words 'thoughts run helter skelter...'  

PS : One of my friends read the poem and put down what she felt after reading it. Her words replicate my thoughts when i had written it. here is what she said: I could actually imagine a person, who had the good stroke of luck to have something really nice happen to him. I could feel him searching for ways to express his joy and gratitude, searching for letters, words, sentences.. and finally saying the one phrase that would best express his happiness.. Thank you! Such a brilliantly worded poem used to denote such a sweet and simple idea.


  1. Moti.. Mast likha hain..As usual, YOU ROCK!!!
    IITP ke kya din the yaar..
    Those were some of my best days of life..
    And for that,
    THANK YOU!!!!


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