
This poem "The Sign of Water", relates to me in many ways. One which is very evident is I am an Aquarian, which is the sign of water. Ironically, I am very often repelled by water.The biggest and I think the only phobia in my life has been swimming! I went to the swimming tank everday, for a year when I was 10 and yet managed not to learn swimming. Isn't that incredible?
           Aquarius as a sunsign has always intrigued me. I have always been very proud to be an aquarian and I think all the fellow aquarians will agree that our sunsign is one of the finest! But when I gave it a thought I realized that everyone of us have 'water' inside us. We are born with it. We have the energy, the transparency and the flow which manifest the traits of water. As kids we let it flow sporadically. We are not cognizant of  the strength and abilities in it. Then as we grow, we realize that unless we dam up this water inside us and direct it to the correct destination we cannot make the most of it. And that is when we grow as a person.    


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