Land of Water

Walking on a land of water

Drenched from head to toe

I heard the water play some music

In its orchestral flow.

Falling on the dense leaves

The shower tinkled down

Puddles around, for me to clown

Several muddy and brown.

Here a slosh &

There a slosh

A jump, a skip, a roll

Danced away with nature’s percussion

My merry little soul.

Gurgle-ish and Burble-ish

A musician I heard

Walked across into the woods

A stream I discovered



The birds were fluting on

Ding-a-dong Oh sing-a-song

We all coo-ed along

A distant beat, which joined the feat

Announced its presence then

Looked towards the mighty hills lined with

White clothed men

A tap dance on the rocky floor

With the beat of our rhythm

They performed to complete the show

A jazzy one to fathom

Green & Blue & White & Brown

Our dress codes did the trick

Brilliant artists they were deemed

Nature’s rarest pick!


  1. First rain showers? Nice!!! Loved the tap dance part!

  2. Hey did you get the Tap dance part? :-) Thats nice! I thought noone will read it that way....

  3. Tamate u surpass urself... Nicely done... I especially like the onomatopoeia used... Makes it lifelike...


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