Before you think that I am writing about the network of computers which today has a stronghold on the internet world I have to reintroduce you to this term WWW. Its the 'Women's Water Wonders'. There could be a question of copyright on the the acronym but I'm sure the 33% reservation in every corner in our country will do the magic here too! So here we go... "Women's Water Wonders". The history of this term is not very old. Just about two days stale. It was coined by one of the crazy women who ventured out one fine evening and did the craziest things ever.
             We crazy lot of women belong to Pune. I'm assuming Pune is a known city and I do not have to specify the geographical location of the place here. Nagaon is a place close to Alibaug. It obviously has a beach, considering it is on the western coast of Maharashtra. We left home early in the morning to reach from the former to the latter geographical location. Eyes dry, since none of us had slept the previous night, we started off. Now, what women do in an all girls 'night out' need not be told. No its not censored, no worries. It is very well known. We call it "Rashrtiya Gappa". To translate into English literally- "Talks of National Interest". Ofcourse in our case it was that- followed by incessant wild dancing that must have crossed the Noise Pollution limit set by the state after 10pm. But, that was the day of following no rules. So we left with dry eyes, dazed to the core. The craziness did not end here. Both the Rashtriya Gappa and Dancing were continued in the bus again 'incessantly'.
             After 5 hours of continuous dancing in the bus, so much that the driver was scared the bus would topple off the ghat because of uncanny wobbling, we finally reached 'The Beach'. We had gone there for Water Sports. Here comes the second 'W'. We took the Banana ride first. We had two choices- Either they would turn the Banana Buoy upside down into the deep waters, with us on it ofcourse, or we jump into the water ourselves. The third choice of doing neither of these, we did not give ourselves. We chose jumping. They took us right in the middle of the sea. Water on all sides. We couldn't see the beach anymore. Slowing the Banana to a halt they said "Jump". We stared at the deep greenish blue water for sometime, then asked them "Any instructions for us before we jump? Cause none of us can swim...". He smiled then looked at us and said "Just Jump". We looked at the water again and dived. I was under the water completely for some few seconds which seemed like ages. I breathed for a split second and the salty water entered happily into my respiratory system. I stopped breathing, so that I could live! How ironincal. But then the life jacket had to do its job. Whoop I was above water. Atleast my skull was and I could breath. But then it felt as if gravity had doubled. The downward pull was overwhelming. For some time I felt the Full Moon and Eclipse had a strong influence on this water and it was now pulling in all that fell into it. We were 10 women. It would have relished us. I was just coming out of the fear and had not started feeling the thrill when the life guard asked with a crooked smile,"Having Fun?". No sign of wanting to take us back alive in his expression, let me tell you. Wondered if he was a life guard or a death guard. But then the thrill sinked in. What an amazing rush that was just a few seconds back! All the fear vanished. Back on to the banana, we rode back triumphant, fearless and thrilled. All the other water sports came as an adventure. In Jetskiing, the life guard gave the control of the acceleration in my hands. Any speed seemed less to me. I accelerated just everytime a wave travelled towards us throwing the bike up in the air. Wow! Every instant of the water sports was an adventure of its own.            
                We spent hours on the beach exploring all kinds of tricks with the life jackets. Lying flat on the water and take the waves right over you. There was no fear now. To add to these wonders, we saw Vanilla and other spices planted around in a resort. Something that you get to see rarely. It was a 'Wonderous' trip which took us into a different world all together. This adventure somewhere brought us together and strengthened the bond between us. We discovered the WWW, now that you understand its significance. Cheers to all 11! Keep Rocking.


  1. 33% reservation in WWW, awesome.
    well written.

  2. The Life guard seems to have good sense of Humour. :D

  3. wow.. you made me remember my banana ride experience...i was with my family and they had no idea when the guard said leave the handles on the ride n just out of no where turned the ride upside down..we were in water before even grasping of what just happened..life time experience...:D


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