Royal Elegance

 Two royal horses
Once trotted down a road
Meandering along twisty lanes
In nature’s palace they rode.

The palace turned magnificent
As they went further
Its ceiling shone with brilliance
So much for them to gather

They came across a hill
That seemed to send an invitation
To its honoured guests
at the foothill of its creation

They galloped up the mountain           
All vibrant and hearty
Entered the majestic doorway
To nature’s lavish party

The birds came down tweeting
A song to welcome their guest
The crab and the toad
Jumped about on the crest

Nature lay a carpet
All over its flooring
Full of smiling flowers
To zephyr’s tune dancing

They ambled along the expanse
Admiring the elegance
Nothing could be more delightful
Nature’s mysterious fragrance

Heaven must have made
A way to its entrance
Through this gorgeous alley
That fills one with reverence

Hence two royal horses
Stood pensive at the ridge
Adding to the grace
Of heaven’s glorious bridge


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