Late Mrs. PriC- Dated 2020!

     The reason I have used the title Mrs. and not Miss is that Mrs.PriC is married. Ofcourse this conforms to the long set communication standards  all over the world. But Mrs. PriC is a different case. The human race is her better half. Mind you, it would be Mrs. PriC for the male human species and Mr. PriC for the female human species. In India though, Mrs.PriC is found more in number. But both Mr. and Mrs. PriC are on the verge of being extradited. Although I secretly wish to marry one Mr. PriC myself. I have already made a photo portfolio of him on my PC. Analysts all over the country say the major reason for their abandonment is inflation. But I say,where is the space to accomodate them??? 
        Both PriC males and females come from various royal families. Mahindra & Mahindra, Jaguar, Honda being the most royal families. These are followed by the not-so-royal Maruti Suzuki and Tata(used to be royal but recently lost their royalty). It is observed in all these families that once married to a human, Mr. and Mrs. PriC become drunkards. It is quite understandable though, considering the kind of infrastructurre they have to bear here in India. But what could poor human better halves do? With ever increasing fuel prices and the meagre means of income they can hardly afford the extra expenses for their respective PriCs. And the dowrys that humans have to pay for long after the marriage to their wedding planner banks is a different issue altogether. That is why these days humans are refraining from getting married however tempting it may be. Royal Families are under deep pressure to groom their daughters and sons so well that humans may think beyond inflation while choosing their right life partner. I still see an extinction of these incredible species soon. I don't say this on the grounds of price hike but on my original point of concern. Where is the space??? 
        Our population has made it impossible to accomodate so many new species. Leave alone in public places and roads, there is no room for them at homes either. So I predict there is no chance that, by the time I become able and financially strong enough to marry my Mr. PriC, the local royal families atleast will be available for talks. And thus I have chosen one Mr. PriC who is born and brought up in Germany. There is no need for me to prove that foriegn citizens can build strong foundations in our country. Our own Gandhi royal familiy is an example. I believe after this long discussion I have no legal or moral right to veil my Mr.PriC from all of my readers. Hold your breath everyone. It is the one and only, Mr. VWBeetle! (Applause, Firecrackers, Celebrations!!!) Thankyou!  


  1. avadlele aahe! MAsta lihles... for the first para I was wondering what you were talking about! Later it all unfolded.. :)


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