Angelic Longing

I haven’t found it yet
It’s nowhere close to me
Well it has never been
I’ve never found the key.

Am I different? I wonder
Why does it elude me?
Oh I’m not wary of it
I may confess I used to be.

There are times, I look for it
Frantically, you may say
But the code remains a puzzle
The lock is here to stay.

How then should I unlock it?
Will it come to me?
As a brilliant surprise
For everyone to see.

Well, I shall wait for it
Patience bears good fruit, they say
Although, the chastity wanes
Let the sun shine, I’ll make hay!


  1. Aye aga tu je kahi lihitis ; its like a abstract drawing for me . malach kalat nahi mala kalay ka nahi kalala.

  2. I guess "it" is love. I'd have liked to see a more adept adjective describing the longing though! 'Angelic' is much to worn out,(almost banal - critically speaking) if I've got the context right. But I still like the word.

    There is a longing coming out from the words. Such elements of poignancy always help the poetry stay alive. Compose on...

  3. Hey this is a very nice one... N on the other hand I like the word 'angelic'. It gives the feeling a whole new level!!! I like!!!

  4. @Sagar: Indeed the poetry has a certain context of love in it. I shall not deny it. But its not 'ONLY' about that. If it had been it would have been very shallow according to me. But Apart from this I leave it to the reader to interpret because its the reader's interpretation that enhances poetry's effect. About the word Angelic- I can see why you find it banal but I've used it more on its 'innocence' based meaning than anything else. Only to contradict and still add on to the end where the chastity wanes. . . Thanks for the review :-)
    @Chai: I think you will figure out from the above explanation.

  5. Thanks neha!!! :-) If only you were talking to me while giving the review :-) Could have discussed more.


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