Change from CHANGE!!!

              Change is something that leaves behind a strong impact whether brought about suddenly or gradually. More often than not, man has not been able to cope with sudden changes as gracefully as he copes with the gradual ones. As it is very rightly said, 'if there is anything constant, it is change'. Thus, coping with change is and has always been one of the major drives in human life.
              Back in the days of British rule, they brought about minor but crucial changes in our country's culture, systems, rules and attitude. This has given rise to a hollow, brittle India. Today most of us are ignorant about the country's intellectual wealth since we have lost the love for our own systems and languages. Our strength was our knowledge (our Vedas) which they destroyed over 150 years, imbibing into us love for English language, ways, systems and culture. We are still running behind it and guess what, we have coped gracefully enough to love it as if it was our own (I love English Language notwithstanding my Indian Nationality and love for the nation). Later the partition of India and Pakistan has been a change that still shows its after effects on both the countries.
              Sudden changes, whether good or bad, cause some amount of disaster somewhere around it. Change in the tectonic plates has caused a disaster as big as the Tsunami twice in the last 6 years and there is more to come. More than 50% of the island of Japan has been washed away and rebuilding a country is the goal that drives the nation today. Nevertheless, Japan has time and again proved its mettle to rise up from ashes and I'm sure it will come out stronger than ever once again. Why Japan, our own Mumbai is a distinct epitome of change and the coping of mankind with the same. Be it the floods or the terror attacks, our people have always coped with the sudden changes that they have had to face.
             One deals with change in one's lifestyle, occupation, health, city, state or country. A mere change in the people around you calls for a adaptive change in you too.  From the academic systems to industrialisation and consumerism, every aspect of human life keeps changing giving rise to a better equipped and dynamic young generation. This new generation is the drinving force for the country to cope with the global changes.
            Newton's third law has never been proved wrong and this is no exception.Change comes in circles. One causing the other and thus bringing about more change. After all life is all about it and nothing without it. Without change there would be monotony, monopoly and boredom. In cricket, T-20 was a welcome change which drew mass appeal. The UID is a change we all are looking forward to hoping it would change a few tedious systems. Change in government is what India wishes for exactly 2 months after the elections repenting ruefully for making the wrong choice everytime (Actually speaking there is not much of a choice!). They say change in attitude makes a big difference and yes I completely agree out of personal experience.
            It is this 'CHANGE' around me, that creates a turmoil in my mind and compels me to pen this down although I think now I need a change from 'CHANGE'.... Taking your leave for a change. Cheers!


  1. :).. yes change is an inevitable part of our lives.. sometimes good, sometimes bad but always a something which we should look forward to! :)

  2. Well said :).. I like your thought process..

  3. For a change changla lihilay :-P
    and liked the "Change in government" line.... :-)

  4. Well written tamate... I like how you alwz illustrate your thoughts with examples... But I think you can still expand a lot on what you've written... Write away...

  5. @Neha: Thanks.. I got a similar feedback from another source. Its nice to get frank opinions. :-)

  6. I loved the new look of your blog..
    This article is also well written. Like Neha said, you can expand on it. Perhaps you could add the emotions that one feels when one has to deal with sudden change?
    Keep writing :)


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