The 'K' Question

Most women will agree that they have had many such instances where they had the 'K' question thrown at them. Some may have answered it boldly with a rational reasoning while others may just give a venomous look. So what is the K question?  It is the unabashed manifestation of the male chauvinism rampant all over the world since centuries. Here it is:
          "Why should men know the 'KITCHEN' work when women are supposed to take care of it all life?" 

Well, here, I hope I answer this question for all men on behalf of all women, (mind you) very humbly! I believe there are two main reasons why everyone (whether men or women) should know how to cook. First being, for self sufficiency and independence. Analogous with a region or country every indivisual strives towards being self sufficient in all ways possible. A country with less fertile land will make use of better fertilizers thus trying to produce more crop. Similarly every person should try and learn all aspects of a respectable life. Yes every man would now say that the women do that for us, but they must not forget that they will not have this luxury for life. There will be times when there will be no-one to cook for them. The self sufficiency policy applies to the women too and thus all women should atleast be capable of earning so much money as will be sufficient for their livelihood. Indeed most women are already capable of that and others will be in the near future.

     I'll name the second reason as a typically electronics term-'Impedence Matching'. Impedence matching means, in layman's terms, keeping the load equal on both circuits which are to be connected to form a larger system. This is done to transfer the full power from one circuit to another. On similar lines, if both man and woman share the load of household work, life will become easier for both. There should be no shame or ego in making your own life easy to live. Eventually thats what we all are striving for.

     To narate an incidence which will aid my argument, i will speak about an Indian friend who is currently abroad doing MS from a reputed university. It was the first week of her course. All students were still settling down in their hostel apartments. My friend could cook pretty well and had already acclimated to the kind of vegetables and cereals available there. She cooked her food herself. In her course she met a classmate who was also from India. He was in a miserable state as he had never had non-veg food and could not cook for himself. He hardly liked the vegetarian food available there and was starving virtually. Feeling sorry for him my friend invited him for food one day and that day onwards he also learnt how to cook. For a week he had food with my friend. Now, he can cook for himself and is quite happy with himself. But, the lack of culnery skills had taught him a lesson.
     So boys and girls, leave aside the ego, leave aside the gender differences. Learn to be self sufficient and life will be leisure! Cheers!

Note: Comments awaited. This article has been written in full seriousness. Please do not try to mock any of the points in your comments. It is not for the 'teenage' male vs female debate.


  1. Naice one Deepti... Loved the impedence matching analogy... And yes, everyone should be able to fend for themselves in this big bad world... And trust me, cooking is no exception!!!

  2. :) Nice one... I too loved the Impedence matching part.. and the seriousness with which you have written..

  3. Good one. Every one should learn to be self sufficient And perfect.
    But what is life without its imperfections as it adds spice to ones life.

  4. I agree totally... But this "Going to the US for Master's" thing is really changing the scene..Over there, girls and boys alike have to cook, there's no other way out!

  5. deepti ..:-D
    I too loved the impedance matching analogy!! And today, both sexes require culinary skills. Its not just about self sufficiency, i would like to learn it to enjoy my fav childhood recipes!! and i guess most people would miss that after 20 years!!

  6. agreed completely..impedance matched..

  7. Hey :)
    Good one.. Though I wish you could have focused more on the anguish of a girl when she is asked this question.. I would have a lot to say about that ;) But I totally agree with you about the self sufficiency thing.. Good read :)


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