In the Air - First Time.

3 months back,July, when my sister arrived from UK:  I grabbed the opportunity to plan a trip by plane. Dialogue with my father( Baba):
 Me: Come lets go somewhere for a loooonng(in that tone!) trip now that Tai(sister) has come and she is here only for 3 months. We'll travel by plane this time.
Baba: Why do you want to travel by plane?
Me: Baba I am 20 years old and I have not experienced a plane. Isn't that shameful?
Baba: So what I experienced it first time when i was 35.
Me: Oh common Aai has not experienced it too. We'll have fun.
Baba: Hmm... thats sounds good. You and your sister plan a trip whereever you want. We'll go there.
          Wow! Very rarely do you get an assertion from your parents. So we were at work. Me and Tai. After going through loads of places (in India ofcouse because the trip was not supposed to be too big on Baba's instructions), we came down to the sancturies of Madhya Pradesh. That would be thrilling. Safary! :-) We planned everything date wise. Looked for the best deal on planes. Everything was set. Lots of hardwork for both of us. :-) And guess what!? Just when we were about to book tickets we found out, the sancturies are closed from July to November. . .

 Baba: Uhahahaahheehehehhahaha.
 Me: :-| :-( Alright Alright. We'll plan something else.
 Baba: You know what I wanted to visit Thailand. What do you think?
 Me: Oh awesome then you plan something. Thailand would be great!
 Baba: Yeah lets see...

          But by now Tai was preparing for her student visa application. So then there was a long break. The application got rejected twice and then third time finally she got her Visa. This procedure lasted for 2 months almost. Also my college routine did not permit me to take a break. So then after she got her visa we had about 15 days left out of which 5 were Ganpati days. Luckily I had a 5 day Holiday. My aunt (atya) was insisting we visit her in Bangalore before Tai leaves. So then Bangalore it was. I'll now jump to the day of the flight:

Me: Wow! I'm going to experience flying. Kiti majja yeil na... (It would be so much fun)
Tai and Baba: Yeah you'll have fun. Its a nice experience.
Me:  So how does it look like when the plane takes off? Wat happens on the airport? How does it feel when you go through clouds? What if it rains when you are in the plane? !!!( clearly ultra excited)
Tai and Baba: Deepti, you are above the clouds in the plane. It doesn't rain upwards. Atleast never till date! (everyone is rolling with laughter).
Me: Oh yeah!! Hmm....
Tai: So Deepti would you put your hand out of the window to feel the clouds ;-) (still mocking)
Baba: Or scold the pilot for not wearing a helmet?
Me: Ugh ohk!!! I'm not saying anything.
Tai, Baba, Aai: Hahahahaha!!! ( I joined them in the laughter too! )

In the plane: I had the window seat. I had declared that at home before leaving for the airport.The pilot took about 5 mins on the clock to come to the main runway. Then i was expecting he would speed up for some considerable time before lifting. what happened was: On the main runway the pilot sped up in about 30 seconds and the plane lifted. Ohhhhh!!! My god. We are climbing already. My mouth was agape. We are climbing! My stomach pulled down with inertia. The plane suddenly felt so light. Earth turned smaller and smaller. Felt like I am looking at some childhood set of game. . .small houses, small trees. small cars . . .
Then after reaching a certain height the plane started tilting on my side. Woho! whats happening! Roller coaster... And then on the other side. I could see the wing tilt. Then on my side and again on the other. Finally it settled to normal. We were now about to enter the clouds. I braced myself. And.... just a small push. And again, a bigger one. Thats it. We were above the clouds. :-) Oh cool. Then I looked down again out of the window. I could see the clouds forming shadows on the earth. Woah! Thats when we say there is cloud cover. Those people must be getting some relief from the scorching sun. Clouds look like cotton grown on transparent glass field below which lies the earth. what an Idea sirji!
             A one and a half hour flight gets over before you feel it. So then the captain gave the signal for seat belts again. We are about to descend he said. Descending was annoying. My ears felt so heavy. But I could see the earth again. :-) Plane tilted again. "Turning". The last few kilometer descent was quick. Whoop, Zoop, Whoop and THUD! As soon as the nose gear touched the ground the wing opened! Literally, thats what it felt like. And then it felt like the breaks weren,t working. I looked at Baba:
 Baba: Air resistance concept. Used to break.
            And then it dawned on me. Oh! The opening of the wings was actually providing resistance to air using vertical flaps. To reduce speed. "Naice", I thought. So here I was beeming with my first flight experience. Felt like i had invented something outstanding in life. :-) I said a happy "thankyou" to the flight attendents and climbed down for a great Bangalore Trip. Cheers!


  1. Hey Nice..
    I havent experienced travelling in flight as of yet..
    Hoping to get one soon..

  2. hehe..the rain question was superb!!! :-P..

  3. Cheers to your first flying experience Tamate!!

  4. It'd be awesum na if it actually rained upwards??? Nice Tamate, I like!!!

  5. I loved this...i do remember my first flight experience...pan mi khup lahan ata flight experience karnyachi majja kahi wegalich aahe....i liked the snaps u uploaded....


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