Three Years of utter Chaos in an All girls College!

"OHH MAAYY GAWD!!! Is this what its going to be for four years?", I was thinking when i entered the college for the first time. It was examination time and the paper had apparently just ended. The lobby near the reception that we now call 'Putalya Samor', was overflowing with a plethora of emotions coming from 'girls' ONLY!. "What are these species? Are they really my kind?",I wondered. I was absorbing so much of high frequency sound at that time. I felt nauseated. How could I possibly survive in this chaos? 'Me', who has been brought up in a completely co-ed environment.
              Fifteen days later, it was the first day of college. All students were to gather in a class room where they would be guided about their curriculum. When I entered the college still wondering what I was doing in this place, there were 5 girls waiting at the stairs of the Main Building. In short, I was too early as usual. 
          (I have this obsession of reaching a place way too ahead of time specially on the first day. My Boss will be happy when I join work! )  Coming back to the stairs and five girls. I glanced at them once and looked away. No it was not a bad sight. It was just that I was uncomfortable among new people. But I was relieved when i saw that 3 out of those were equally uncomfortable and looked away too. The remaining 2 seemed interested in chatting or blabbering as if they had come from a place struck by dumb and deaf syndrome. They were very predictably talking about 'Oh so wonderful college life after 12th' as told to them by seniors or friends. I on the other hand knew exactly how it was going to be courtesy my graduate sister and my very strong intuitive power. So my thoughts drifted to-how i wanted these four years to be and how that could be best achieved-despite my dislike towards the college. I was thinking...
        " I will involve myself in all kinds of extra curricular activities. I will not waste my years, like I did in 11th and 12th, sticking my head into books. In this motto I will not be discouraged by any disinterest shown by fellow classmates and friends. I will do what I wish to do." ... I almost took an oath standing there, in the presence of 5 classmates-to-be, at the bottom of the stairs leading to one of the most loved buildings of my life. First day was uneventful other than this. I met a few acquaintances from IIT class. I introduced myself to people here and there having a formal conversation to begin with. 
        In years to come, I did exactly as I had promised myself. In the first year I participated in Robotics competitions and dance competitions. I enjoyed every moment of my college life however different it felt to be in an all girls college. Initially barring a few of us no one in the class would fit into the category of 'naughty'. Agreed! Girls generally aren't trouble makers . But one needs to have fun in class. So me along with a few of my naughty classmates, who are now one of the best group of friends that I have, took up the initiative!!! ;-) We created chaos in class. Disobeyed professors as much as we could. And trust me, whether a part of us or not, the whole class enjoyed us. :-D :-D Soon we were the naughtiest lot in our branch. In second year I found entry into the cultural group of college. Firodia Karandak.What an experience! This one month of dance and WHAT NOT gave me one of my best senior and junior friends. 
         Meanwhile I witnessed the most reverberating events of the College- our DAHI HANDI....
 The Handi is tied to the 2nd floor railings. It hangs exactly above the centre of our quadrangle. The quadrangle is being sprayed with water from the fire extinguisher's huge pipe continuously. Exactly below the Handi are standing the senior-most students of the college (The B.Es). Music is being played on the loudspeakers. All students from F.E, S.E, T.E are dancing, shouting, cheering and singing at a time. The B.E climb forming floors of human support trying desperately to reach the Handi. They are being distracted by the bombardment of water from all directions. Finally they manage to get hold of the Handi and bring the whole thing down in one shot! All this would be absolutely the normal DAHI HANDI barring 'only' the 'All Girls' part. 'Aawwesome! Aawwesome!', was all I could say that day.
         This is just one mind boggling experience in College. There are many more. We friends have traveled so much for competitions or simple holiday trips. Its a different bond that I have with this college. Every room, every corner has different memories unforgettable for life. Adding one more to these memories was when I got placed just a few days back. I'm sure this college and its people have some major role to play in grooming me capable enough to be good for the job. I thank myself for having vowed that time. Today if Appa ( Our workshop Head), as we call him, gives me a wide smile, although I am a student of  Electronics, and asks " Kay ga Kay chalue?", I owe it to the promise I made to myself at the beginning of Engineering. 
        All Girls College is not just a chaos after all. It is indeed a revolution in my life. Cheers! 


  1. :) oh yes... studying in Cummins (no all girls college) is an inexplicably enriching experience!

  2. I know!! Seriously felt claustrophobic at the thought of attending an all-girls coll at first... Never thought I wud come to love our college so much. :)
    I can identify wid wat u hv written...Love ya!!

  3. A revealing writeup for me.

  4. a glimpse of my college days (B.E) just passed by my thoughts, after reading this.........thank u once again


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