Honey Hive

The account of the main event day remains to be written. I will write it as soon as possible. Till then here is one more poem i wrote...

I yearned for privacy
When we were five
Cluttered in a small room
Like a busy bee hive

We ate, we slept
We laughed, we cried
Together we enjoyed
Life’s roller coaster ride

I wished for some space
For myself to reconcile
Some time to sit alone
And train my mind, docile

Five reduced to four
And four changed to three
Chasing our goals in life
We set ourselves free

Now I have my space
I have the time I need
But, I don’t know how to spend it
I drop a tear bead

We still talk often
Share each day’s account
Yet I am lonely and
My insecurities mount

Now I know the power
Of a cluttered honey hive
To make sweet honey
Together they strive


  1. Good one... I can see where its coming from.... Phases of life - each is different - has its good and bad... thats all I can say...:-)

  2. :-) Thankyou ... Different moods bring out different emotions. :-) What more can i say?

  3. Its a terrible tug-of-war isn't it? We crave for privacy and at the same time want our loved ones close. Beautiful poem, very close to the truth :)


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