Land of Water

Walking on a land of water Drenched from head to toe I heard the water play some music In its orchestral flow. Falling on the dense leaves The shower tinkled down Puddles around, for me to clown Several muddy and brown. Here a slosh & There a slosh A jump, a skip, a roll Danced away with nature’s percussion My merry little soul. Gurgle-ish and Burble-ish A musician I heard Walked across into the woods A stream I discovered Twitter-a-Tick-a Chitter-a-chick The birds were fluting on Ding-a-dong Oh sing-a-song We all coo-ed along A distant beat, which joined the feat Announced its presence then Looked towards the mighty hills lined with White clothed men A tap dance on the rocky floor With the beat of our rhythm They performed to complete the show A jazzy one to fathom Green & Blue & White & Brown Our dress codes did ...